Aristeia! Chemical Brothers
15,95 €
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Nicht auf Lager
Lieferzeit: 2-3 Tag(e)Beschreibung
Two new aristos from Haqqislam arrive to turn the HexaDome upside down. The brothers Bachmann and Hammerhead won’t hesitate to use poison, their favorite weapon, to get to the final victory.
Besides adding four plastic preassembled miniatures, made with the signature highest quality you can expect from Corvus Belli, each Aristeia! expansion includes 2 character cards, 2 initiative cards, 8 Tactics, 1 rules card and all the tokens needed to play this expansion. A total of 46 cards in every box, because it includes a copy for each language: Spanish, English, German, and French.
Achtung: Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile. Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 36 Monaten.