Aristeia! Masters of Puppets [Englisch]

15,95 €
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Lieferzeit: 2-3 Tag(e)


Gaia and Fiddler are two girls who come to change the traditional strategy found in the HexaDome. Gaia has come to prove she’s a worthy rival of hEXx3r for the title of Queen of Control. Fiddler aims to find her place among the best shooters.   Masters of Puppets is not a stand-alone game.   

Box contains:

  • 2 Models (Gaia and Fiddler)
  • 16 Character cards (4 per language)
  • 2 Initiative cards
  • 32 Tactics (8 per language)
  • 8 Rule cards (2 per language)
  • 17 Tokens


Miniaturen werden unbemalt geliefert und müssen ggf. noch zusammengebaut werden.


Achtung:Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile. Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 36 Monaten.