![The Umbrella Academy Board Game {Englisch]](/storage/images/image?remote=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.phoenix-spiele.shop%2FWebRoot%2FStore11%2FShops%2F81587572%2F657C%2F1564%2F702F%2F44E0%2FFAA0%2F0A0C%2F6D0D%2F29A6%2FUmbrella_Academy_base.jpeg&shop=81587572&width={width}&height=2560)
The Umbrella Academy Board Game {Englisch]
48,95 €
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Nur noch wenige vorrätig
Lieferzeit: 2-3 Tag(e)Beschreibung
This is an easy-to-learn, fast-paced board game that sees you becoming a member of The Umbrella Academy. Save the world from devastating hazards and thwart the plots of villains, like Hazel and Cha Cha, The White Violin and more.
Loads of replay value, easy setup, solo rules, co-operative gameplay, and amazing miniatures mean this is the definitive Umbrella Academy tabletop experience.